Share's Safeguarding Policy
1. Introduction
SHARE is committed to safeguarding the welfare of all individuals, particularly children and adults at risk, by protecting them from abuse, neglect, and exploitation. This policy outlines our approach to safeguarding in accordance with the latest statutory guidance in England and Wales.
2. Legal Framework
This policy is based on key legislation and guidance, including:
• The Children Act 1989 and 2004
• The Care Act 2014
• Working Together to Safeguard Children 2024
• Safeguarding Adults: The Role of Health Services
• The Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act 2014
• Safeguarding guidance | GOV.WALES
3. Definitions
• Child: Anyone under the age of 18.
• Adult at Risk: A person aged 18 or over who has care and support needs, is experiencing or is at risk of abuse or neglect, and is unable to protect themselves.
• Abuse: A violation of an individual’s human and civil rights by another person or persons.
4. Principles
SHARE adheres to the following safeguarding principles:
• Empowerment: Supporting individuals to make decisions and give informed consent.
• Prevention: Taking action before harm occurs.
• Proportionality: Responding appropriately to the risk presented.
• Protection: Supporting those in greatest need.
• Partnership: Working with local communities and agencies.
• Accountability: Ensuring transparency in safeguarding practices.
5. Responsibilities
All staff, volunteers, and trustees are required to:
• Familiarise themselves with this policy and related procedures.
• Attend mandatory safeguarding training appropriate to their role.
• Report concerns promptly to the designated safeguarding leads.
6. Designated Safeguarding Leads
• Safeguarding Lead: Kate Saxon
• Phone: 0330 120 1820
• Email:
• Deputy: Claire Danby
• Phone: 0330 120 1820
• Email:
7. Reporting Concerns
Concerns about a child’s or adult’s welfare should be reported immediately to the designated safeguarding leads. In emergencies, contact the appropriate local authority or emergency services directly.
8. Confidentiality
All safeguarding concerns will be handled with confidentiality, sharing information only with those who need to know to protect the individual.
9. Review
This policy will be reviewed annually or in response to significant changes in legislation or guidance.