Lisa, our Outreach Hub Manager, and Jude, our Events & Fundraising Manager, were delighted to be invited to join the team at Virgin Money for an online Coffee & Chat to see the guys in their pyjamas, jimmy jammies, pjs…whatever you choose to call them!
It was a fantastic opportunity to discuss not only how SHARE supports the homeless but also to discuss how people can help.
- There are approximately 1,500 people in Cheshire West and Chester considered homeless.
- Homelessness does not just mean living on the streets. It includes those in temporary accommodation.
- It costs £30 per person per night to provide accommodation.
- SHARE has seen a 25% increase in those needing help in the last 3 months.
- The Day centre where our service users can seek help costs £11.10 per person per day, and that doesn’t include the running costs of the building.
- Have a conversation with someone you see on the street. Let them know you see them and that they matter
- Buy someone a drink or some food
- Volunteer or fundraise! SHARE receives no government funding and relies 100% on charity donations and fundraising
- Make a donation online, buy something from the SHARE shop in Chester, or come to one of our events.
- Share our posts on your social media channels – it takes just a moment to do, costs you nothing but helps SHARE reach a wider audience
Thank you to Virgin Money and everyone else who joined in with wearing their pyjamas today!
Without the amazing efforts of our volunteers, Trustees and supporters SHARE couldn’t do the incredible work it does to tackle homelessness in Chester.