Share Launches 'Send a Sack Campaign' to Send Aid to Refugees

Could you make a difference to the life of a refugee?

SHARE in Mold regularly sends sacks of much needed clothing, footwear and other essential items to the refugee camps in Europe, Syria and beyond. We also pack up pallets with boxes of medical supplies and equipment, educational books and toys, tents, sleeping bags and camping equipment, for distribution to areas of most need.

To send a sack of aid you can click here:

If you and your organisation would like to help us ‘Pack a Pallet’, you will be acknowledged publicly and your organisation will receive a SHARE certificate in recognition of your valuable support.

To help us to send a whole pallet of aid to a family of refugees inside a refugee camp please click here:

All money donated will be xused to help SHARE send much needed items to refugees in
need or to fund the purchase of local food and clothing supplies on the ground, thus helping to boost the local economy.

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